The Office-Based Facelift

A Plastic Surgeon’s Guide to Working Smarter, Not Harder

Start Working Smarter, Not Harder

Master the one in-office procedure that will save you and your patients loads of time and money. Starting from $995

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You’ve Worked Too Hard to Keep Working So Hard

If your day-to-day schedule looks a little bit like this:

Head to the hospital → Wait for the OR to get started → Perform the long surgery → Make rounds → Head to your office → Maybe get stuck in traffic along the way → See consultations → Put out fires → Deal with paperwork → and on…and on…and on…

There’s a good chance you’re also:

  • Working long, exhausting hours 
  • multiple kinds of surgeries 
  • Making a lot less money than you thought you would

And if this is your reality, you’re not alone!  Eager to get a strong start….

Most Plastic Surgeons Spread Themselves Too Thin

They feel like they have to say “YES” to every problem that comes their way.

But it’s easy to get overwhelmed trying to prove yourself in every area of the body, and in both reconstructive and cosmetic surgery. 

If you see all different types of patients with different types of problems, shuttle yourself from facility to facility, and sacrifice large chunks of your paycheck to procedure-specific fees…

You’ll end up burnt out!

But that’s not even the worst part.

Because if you don’t change anything…

This is as Good as it Gets

You’ll continue to grind within a system that simply needs bodies to work…

You’ll never feel fully appreciated while your income stays stagnant, or worse, falls...

And you’ll never have the freedom to enjoy what you love with whom you love because you'll be too busy keeping up with all the work that goes into maintaining a multifaceted practice!

After so many years of school, sacrificing your time, and spending money on your career, it’s time that you take advantage of all the benefits this profession has to offer and…

Completely Transform Your Career

Rather than focusing on–and struggling in–many areas, you could experience the total freedom of mastering just one procedure that can be done in-office and will save you and your patients loads of time and money.

Focus all your energy on one thing

watch your life simplify and your happiness and free time increase 

Become recognized as an expert

watch your schedule book out months in advance and your clientele grow

Charge higher fees and keep more of what you make

watch your income rise dramatically

You could no longer be subjected to the many rules and regulations attached to all the various facilities you’ve worked in, but rather be:

in full control of your own schedule in your own office.

You Could Become The Expert

what if

every time a patient came in for a touchup, you could do it for minimal–or even zero– cost?

what if

you could treat every single patient in the same office and never have to commute between facilities again?

what if

you could stop being charged (and charging patients) exorbitant fees for external services?

what if

every procedure you performed was low risk, low cost, and low time-commitment…for you and your patients?

These don’t have to be “what-if” questions!

By focusing your expertise to just one in-office procedure, you’ll no longer be just a plastic surgeon.

Instead, you can become the:

Face surgeon

How do I know this?

I did it myself!

Take a peek at the
step by step process:


Three Words That Will Change Your Life

Well, there are actually 6! “Office-Based Facelift” which, when we get into it, is “Facelift Under Local.” We’ll go over what it takes to enhance your business with a new approach to plastic surgery.

part 1

Facelift Under Local

In this module, I’ll show you the foundations of performing a facelift under local; from patient consultations and selection to the exact operating room setup you’ll need to perform successfully.

part 2

Facelift Under Local

Into surgery we go! This module will walk you through the steps of the procedure, from preliminary photography all the way to post-op care and handling any complications that might arise.


Measuring Success

Being a business owner means finding out what success means for your business…and in our case it’s a “happy patient”! I’ll reveal all the tools you need to measure and handle success in your office.


Marketing Your Procedure and Building Your Brand

Now that you’re an expert, it’s time to share your skills with the world! In this module I’ll show you everything I did that will allow you to start building a name for yourself and scaling your practice.

start working smarter today!


Dr. Almonte was knowledgeable and dedicated, creating a great learning experience. This Master Course was captivating and fulfilling. Thank you so very much!

This course is perfect for surgeons seeking to establish their reputation in a specialized field. It provides precise and straightforward information.

In hindsight, enrolling in this facelift course was one of the best decisions I've made for my career. I have gained the skills and knowledge to excel in my practice and developed a newfound passion for creating beauty that radiates from the inside out. I confidently recommend this course to anyone looking to elevate their expertise and positively impact their clients' lives. Thank you, Dr. Arnold!

I am so grateful to Dr. Almonte for breaking down all the necessary steps for a successful plastic surgeon's business. I don't know why I didn't think of this before - so simple! Don't wait; sign up for this course today!


How do I know this course will work for me?

This course is based on decades of experience as a plastic surgeon in many different settings. While I can’t guarantee that this course will 100% work for every single person who takes it, I’m confident that if you put in the work to get better at your specialty and combine it with the business knowledge in this course, you’ll have everything you need to create lasting success as a surgeon.

Is there a money back guarantee?

No, there is no money back guarantee. What this course provides is a detailed and personalized guide that helps you transition your current practice into one that is streamlined and efficient. The transition requires time, dedication, and commitment to that goal. That's where you come in. The business model works if you're the driving force in establishing it.

How long will this course take to complete?

The course can be completed in a single setting, or over a few days. Learning is lifelong, and I didn’t design this course to be something you take once and never come back to. I created it as a resource you can come back to over and over again as you progress through different stages in your career as a surgeon and business owner.

What if I’m not interested in doing facelifts?

The principles I share in my course can be applied to any area, not just faces! If you are an expert in another area of the body, you and your business can still greatly benefit from the principles presented in this course about SPECIALIZATION and performing your procedures under LOCAL ANESTHESIA. The key to success is developing an OFFICE-BASED model for your business.

Still not sure if this is the course for you?

Watch the first lesson for free today

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